Neuroscientific Research
Bittium NeurOne™ Tesla EEG System – Revealing the Secrets of the Brain

Neuroscientific Research
Bittium has developed high-tech medical technology solutions using over 30-year long expertise and know-how in biosignal monitoring. In neuroscientific research, Bittium offers quick and one of the most accurate electroencephalography (EEG) measuring devices in the world designed for research use.
Bittium’s cutting-edge EEG devices and software are very high quality, durable, and easy to operate and meet your most demanding needs. Our devices have been involved in more than 100 scientific publications.
Bittium NeurOne™ Tesla EEG System – Revealing the Secrets of the Brain
Bittium NeurOne™ is one of the quickest and most accurate electroencephalography (EEG) measuring devices in the world designed for research use. It is developed for the needs of medical professionals and scientists to detect simultaneously high accuracy neurophysiological signals from multiple channels without compromising data integrity.

Bittium BrainStatus™ – Fast and Easy Brain Monitoring
Bittium BrainStatus™ is a compact wireless electroencephalography (EEG) measurement system for the brain’s real-time electrical activity monitoring. It is designed for acute and intensive care use (ICU). Bittium BrainStatus enables quick measurement in field conditions as well as in hospitals, thus making the treatment process of the patient faster.
Selected Publications
Brain state-dependent brain stimulation with real-time electroencephalography-triggered transcranial magnetic stimulation. Maria-Ioanna Stefanou et al. Journal of Visualized Experiments, 2019.
Synchronizing the transcranial magnetic pulse with electroencephalographic recordings effectively reduces inter-trial variability of the pulse artefact. Leo Tomasevic et al. PLoS ONE, 2017.
Prefrontal Theta-Phase Synchronized Brain Stimulation With Real-Time EEG-Triggered TMS P. C. Gordon, S.Dörre, P. Belardinelli, M. Stenroos, B. Zrenner, U. Ziemann and C. Zrenner Front. Hum. Neurosci. 15:691821
Sleep-dependent upscaled excitability and saturated neuroplasticity in the human brain: From brain physiology to cognition M. A. Salehinejad, E. Ghanavati, J. Reinders, J. G. Hengstler, M.-F. Kuo, M. A. Nitsche bioRxiv 2021.04.28.441823; doi:
Voluntary motor commands are preferentially released during restricted sensorimotor beta rhythm phases S. J. Hussain, M. K. Vollmer, I. Iturrate, R. Quentin bioRxiv 776393; doi:
A set of electroencephalographic (EEG) data recorded during amplitude-modulated transcranial alternating current stimulation (AM-tACS) targeting 10-Hz steady-state visually evoked potentials (SSVEP) D. Haslacher, K. Nasr, S. E. Robinson, C. Braun, S. R. Soekadar Data in Brief 36 (2021) 107011
Decreased intersubject synchrony in dynamic valence ratings of sad movie contents in dysphoric individuals X. Li, Y. Zhu, E. Vuoriainen, C. Ye, P. Astikainen Scientific Reports (2021) 11:14419
Cardiac Activity Impacts Cortical Motor Excitability E. Al, T. Stephani, M. Engelhardt, A. Villringer, V. Nikulin Research Square 2021
Phase-dependent offline enhancement of human motor memory S. J. Hussain, M. K. Vollmer, J. Stimely, G. Norato, C. Zrenner, U. Ziemann, E. R. Buch, L. G. Cohen BrainStimulation 14(4) 2021
Targeting motor cortex high-excitability states defined by functional connectivity with real-time EEG–TMS D. E. Vetter, C. Zrenner, P. Belardinelli, T. P. Mutanen, G. Kozák, L. Marzetti, U. Ziemann NeuroImage Volume 284, 2023