EEG Monitoring for ICU and ER
Next Generation Continuous EEG Monitoring Solution for Acute and Intensive Care

Wireless cEEG Monitoring
Brain related injuries and dysfunctions cause high costs for the society. Early objective assessment of an unconscious patient is highly desirable to optimize treatment paths and improve treatment outcome. The earlier the assessment, the better the results. Continuous EEG monitoring is an important method for assessing consciousness. It helps detect for example nonconvulsive seizures, subarachnoid hemorrhage, swelling and ischemia in real time.
Fast and Precise Recording and Evaluation of the Brain Signals
Decision making for the treatment and prevention of permanent damage to the health of the patients requires fast and precise recording and evaluation of the brain signals. Bittium’s cEEG monitoring solution consists of Bittium BrainStatus™ wireless EEG system and Cerenion C-Trend® analysis tool. Bittium BrainStatus measures and monitors the EEG signal and C-Trend interprets the signal to a simple score by using advanced machine learning algorithms and artificial intelligence.

Key Advantages
Studies carried out at Kuopio University Hospital have shown that Bittium BrainStatus EEG electrode set enables reliable quick diagnostics. The electrode set significantly speeds up the recording process because there is no need for prepping the patient’s skin in any way or to use any additional gels. As the Bittium BrainStatus headband is flexible and solid, the electrodes get automatically placed in their correct places. Furthermore, there is no need to move the patient’s head when putting on the forehead EEG electrode set, which is especially important in patients possibly suffering from a neck or skull injury.
Due to the fact that the electrode set is easy and fast to use, it is particularly well-suited to be used in emergency care and even in field conditions. Thanks to the material of the electrode set, there is no need to remove it for computer tomography scans.
The use of EEG recordings in emergency care will benefit many patients. For instance, EEG recordings can be used in emergency, intensive and primary care to diagnose a variety of brain electrical activity disorders associated, for example, with head trauma, serious brain injury, cerebral infarction, cerebral hemorrhage, subarachnoid hemorrhage, states of poisoning and atypical altered states of consciousness.
In many cases, an acutely performed EEG recording and the fast start of a proper treatment will significantly reduce the need for aftercare and rehabilitation. This, in turn, will drastically improve the cost-effectiveness of the treatment chain.
Bittium BrainStatus users in the USA please note: Caution – For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures. Device may be used for non-clinical laboratory research.