Invoicing Addresses

Bittium Oyj
Ritaharjuntie 1, 90590 Oulu
OVT: 003710041295
VAT code: FI10041295
[email protected]
Bittium Technologies Oy
Ritaharjuntie 1, 90590 Oulu
OVT: 003705910492
VAT code: FI05910492
[email protected]
Bittium Wireless Oy
Ritaharjuntie 1, 90590 Oulu
OVT: 003717375650
VAT code: FI17375650
[email protected]
Bittium Safemove Oy
Ritaharjuntie 1, 90590 Oulu
OVT: 003718555987
VAT code: FI18555987
[email protected]
Bittium Biosignals Oy
Ritaharjuntie 1, 90590 Oulu
OVT: 003705363855
VAT code: FI05363855
[email protected]
Kiinteistö Oy Oulun Ritaharjuntie 1
Ritaharjuntie 1, 90590 Oulu
OVT: 003727045794
VAT code: FI27045794
[email protected]
E-Invoice Operator
Pagero, 003723609900 or Pagero
Please note: When supplier sends invoices to e-mail
address, there could be several invoices in the same email,
but invoice and its possible attachments should
be in the same PDF file, such as one invoice and its
attachments = one PDF file.
Finance e-mail: [email protected]