Corporate Governance

Corporate Governance
(Updated April 10, 2024)
The governance of Bittium Corporation (hereinafter ´Company´) is determined by the Company’s Articles of Association, the laws of Finland (such as the Finnish Limited Liability Companies Act and Securities Market Act) and the Company’s Corporate Governance Code. The Company follows the Finnish Corporate Governance Code 2020 prepared by the Finnish Securities Market Association and entered into force on January 1, 2020. The Governance Code may be viewed, inter alia, at the Finnish Securities Market Association website at
In the organizing meeting held on April 10, 2024, the new Board of Directors elected on the same day considered the continuation of the Audit Committee and concluded that the extent of the Company’s business still requires that a group with a more compact composition than the Board of Directors deals with the preparation of matters pertaining to financial reporting and control. The Governance Code recommends that a Committee shall have at least three members. In the organizing meeting held on April 10, 2024, Ms. Riitta Tiuraniemi (Chairman of the committee), Mr. Petri Toljamo and Mr. Veli-Pekka Paloranta were elected as members of the Audit Committee.
This Statement is made separately from the Report by the Board. The Board’s Audit Committee and the Company’s auditor have reviewed this Statement.
The statutory governing bodies of the Company are the Shareholders’ meeting, Board of Directors, Chief Executive Officer and the Auditor. The Management Group supports the statutory governing bodies of the Company. The Company’s domicile is Oulu.
This Corporate Governance Statement can be downloaded below.