Stock Exchange & Press Releases 2000

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Elektrobit Group Oyj - Change in ownership in JOT Automation Group Plc

February 02, 2000

Change in ownership in JOT Automation Group Plc

Announcement of ownership in compliance with the Securities Market Act (SMA) 2:10�

Through transactions made February 2, 2000, the shareholding of Veikko Lesonen, Chairman of the Board, has decreased by 11,370,000 shares from 12,265,800 to 895,800 shares. Through these transactions Veikko Lesonen's ownership of JOT Automation Group Plc's share capital and votes has been reduced from 7.19 percent to 0.53 percent. Veikko Lesonen continues to act as Chairman of the Board. The shares were sold to international and domestic institutional investors.

The share ownership of Jorma Terentjeff, President, CEO has not changed. Jorma Terentjeff's ownership of JOT Automation Group Plc's share capital and votes is still 5.28 percent, in total 9,002,600 shares.

The share ownership of Mika Kettula, President of JOT Automation Inc. has not changed. Mika Kettula's ownership of JOT Automation Group Plc's share capital and votes is still 1.39 percent, in total 2,377,500 shares

After these transactions the above mentioned management owns together 12,275,900 shares in JOT Automation Group Plc equaling to 7.20 percent of the company's share capital and votes.

Oulunsalo, February 2, 2000

JOT Automation Group Plc
The Board of Directors

Jorma Terentjeff
President, CEO