Stock Exchange & Press Releases 2005

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Elektrobit Group Oyj - Juha Hulkko appointed CEO of Elektrobit Group

February 15, 2005

Juha Hulkko appointed CEO of Elektrobit Group

Juha Hulkko, M.Sc. (Eng.), eMBA, has been appointed Chief Executive Officer of Elektrobit Group Plc. as of March 17, 2005. CEO Juha Sipil� has expressed his wish to leave his present duties as CEO during the spring of 2005. A group of shareholders representing, in total, more than 20 per cent of Elektrobit Group's shares and votes have announced today that they will propose to the Annual General Meeting to be held on March 17, 2005 that Juha Sipil�, according to his consent, would be elected to the Board of Elektrobit Group Plc.
- The personnel in Elektrobit Group are professional and committed. I am enthusiastic about returning to the operative tasks as CEO. Our current challenge is to transform Elektrobit from an internationalising group into a global player, says Juha Hulkko.
Juha Hulkko is one of the founders of Elektrobit Group and a major shareholder. Since 2002 he has acted as Chairman of the Board of Elektrobit Group Plc.
- Elektrobit Group is able to offer significantly better service and a larger product portfolio to its customers. Furthermore, company's profitability and strong balance sheet give a solid ground to proceed with persistent development of the company. It is a good time to change CEO, says Juha Sipil�.
In conjunction with the nomination the responsibilities of Elektrobit Group Executive Board have been restructured. Jukka Harju, M.Sc. (Eng.), M.Sc. (Econ.) has been appointed Chief Operating Officer. He will also continue his duties in mergers and acquisitions. Executive Vice Presidents responsible for Strategic Business Units (Contract R&D, Testing, Automation Solutions and Automotive) and Executive Vice President, Logistics and Information Management shall report to Jukka Harju.
The responsibilities of Chief Financial Officer Seppo Laine, Authorized Public Accountant, have been extended to include all other Support Functions except for Human Resources. Those responsible for these functions shall report to Seppo Laine.
Ritva-Liisa Niskanen, LLM, trained on the bench, has been appointed Executive Vice President, Human Resources. Ritva-Liisa Niskanen, Jukka Harju and Seppo Laine shall report to Juha Hulkko.
Johann Haas, M.Sc., has been appointed Executive Vice President, Automotive Strategic Business Unit.
The members of the Elektrobit Group Executive Board shall be Juha Hulkko, Johann Haas, Hannu Hakalahti, Jukka Harju, Seppo Laine, Ritva-Liisa Niskanen, Arto Pietil�, Juha Reinikka, Eero Tervo and P�ivi Vasankari as of March 17, 2005.
Oulunsalo, February 15, 2005
Elektrobit Group Plc.
The Board of Directors
Edvard Krogius
Director, Investor & Marketing Communications
Elektrobit Group Plc.
Tel. +358 40 344 2787
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