Buy Bittium Secure Communications Solutions
Bittium secure communications solutions are available from selected reseller and system integrator partners.

Sales Channels
Bittium secure communications solutions, including Bittium Tough Mobile 2 smartphones, are available from selected reseller and system integrator partners. Bittium Secure Call and Bittium Secure Suite require installation of a server software, which is provided either as a dedicated IT service, or as an on-site solution hosted and managed by the customer.

CONSUMERS -> Smartphones and Accessories
If you are a private user, and looking for Bittium Tough Mobile 2 smartphones and accessories, please visit our reseller’s Kickmobiles website.

CONSUMERS -> Smartphones with Security Solutions
If you are a private user in the US and looking for Bittium Tough Mobile 2 smartphones with Bittium Secure Call and Bittium Secure Suite services, please visit our reseller Connecta Mobile’s website.

PROFESSIONALS -> Smartphones and security solutions with on-site server
If you are a governmental agency, public authority or enterprise customer, and looking for Bittium Tough Mobile 2 smartphones, security solutions and accessories with requirement of operating your own server, please contact us.