World-Class Expertise
Our expertise in tactical communications stems from long-term research and experience in commercial radio technologies, as well as cooperation with the Finnish Defence Forces, universities, research laboratories, and defense industry since the 1990s.
Bittium’s IP and Software Defined Radio (SDR) based products and systems, including Bittium TAC WIN™ system and Bittium Tough SDR™ radios together with the compatible waveforms as well as tactical VoIP and LTE solutions, are used to create high-performing and secure networks for modern tactical communications.
Software Defined Radio
SDR has been considered as the optimal platform for the future battlefield radio systems and networks since the early 1990s. It can offer, among other things, efficiency for wireless communications in network centric warfare, and interoperability nationally and internationally.
We have been developing SDR technology for tactical communications since the early 2000s. Bittium joined the Finnish Defence Forces’ Finnish Software Radio Programme, which was made possible by the success of the Finnish telecommunications industry and the support of related scientific community. By then Bittium had already been working with commercial telecommunication technologies for many years and had also worked in cooperation with the Finnish Defence Forces in research and development projects. The ambitious and successful programme gained a lot of interest internationally and led to Finland and Bittium joining also the European Secure SOftware defined Radio (ESSOR) programme. The aim of the programme is to develop pan-European Software Defined Radio (SDR) technology and waveform in order to improve the ability of armed forces to cooperate in coalition operations.
By using SDR-based product and systems, the performance of tactical communications can be constantly enhanced with new features to meet the changing requirements of the battlefield.

Development of SDR based technology for tactical communications since the early 2000s
In software defined tactical communications, the waveforms are at the core of the high-level performance, security, and reliability of the networks. We offer waveforms and expertise that provide the required performance, resilience, and meets the strict security requirements of different defense forces.
Jamming-resilience is achieved with multiple features, such as by using AES-256 encryption and frequency hopping. Also, built-in optimized interference cancellation algorithms, and the self-healing MANET routing of a waveform make the communications system more robust against jamming.
Optimal performance and best available data throughput at network level can be ensured with automatic data transfer capacity adjustment between nodes and node link directions. At the data link level, best available data throughput is ensured with adaptive modulation and channel coding according to current link condition.

Waveforms are at the core of the high-level performance, security, and reliability of the tactical networks
Cyber Warfare is an increasingly important consideration, especially with tactical networks becoming more IP-based. This raises the threat of cyber attack, not necessarily over-the-air but from the networks, leading to requirements to protect IP-based equipment.
Security in tactical communications can be divided into three different categories: design security, design quality, and cyber protection. Our expertise lies in building layered security, both in hardware and software.
Design Security
Security must be taken into consideration already in the requirement phase. Based on the requirements, security will be then designed into both device hardware and software. Design security covers all different security areas including user data encryption (COMSEC), network security (NETSEC/TRANSEC), user authentication, and key management.
Design Quality
In security, implementation quality is critical. To ensure overall security in tactical networks, all products and software must be implemented with high quality standards and minimize errors in the code. Design quality covers also aspects such as disabling all unused TCP/UDP ports.
Cyber Protection
Cyber protection is essential part of security in tactical networks. This includes detection of cyber threats (e.g. denial of service attacks), analyzing them and acting based on the analysis.

Our expertise lies in building layered security, both in hardware and software
We focus our expertise to provide modular, flexible, self-forming, and self-healing communication networks that increase the mobility of battle group troops and commanders.
With the different products and systems, it is possible to provide one secure and seamlessly integrated IP network that enables maximum available capacity for voice, video, and data services in every condition with efficient Optimized Link State Routing (OLSR) mobile ad hoc routing protocol.
The highly available, robust, and resilient wireless networks are optimal for rapidly changing situations and environment and enable nodes joining and leaving the network quickly while on-the-move. The networks support different topologies, and thanks to intelligent radio resource re-use, it is possible to expand a network to include very high quantities of simultaneously active nodes. The networks can be extended also with wired connectivity and 3rd party products and systems.
The networks can be managed with intuitive network management tools that enable easy deployment, configuration, operation, and management.

The highly available, robust, and resilient wireless networks are optimal for rapidly changing situations and environments