Bittium Anti-Corruption Statement

Corruption is a key risk in the areas of social responsibility and human rights. Bittium operates in markets and business areas where it needs to pay special attention to anti-corruption measures.
Bittium understands that bribery and corruption violate justified business benefits. All business must be honest and ethical, and company does not accept any forms of bribery or corruption in its own operations or the operations of its subcontractors.
Bittium is committed to meeting its statutory obligations and preventing, identifying and removing corrupted practices and cooperating with others to prevent bribery and corruption. For this reason, Bittium also expects its suppliers and other external partners to take the necessary anti-bribery and anti-corruption measures. Bittium has both internal and external anti-corruption guidelines. The guidelines are covered by the Bittium employee training programme, and the group expects its partners to follow them.
Bittium offers an internal channel to its employees for reporting any breaches of the anti-corruption rules.
The Sustainability Report of Bittium includes more information about the subject.