Security Management
Bittium´s security management system is based on application of ISO/IEC 27000 Information Security Management standard series, various authority requirements, and other essential requirements like set by Bittium´s customers.

Security Management
Bittium´s security management system is based on application of ISO/IEC 27000 Information Security Management standard series, various authority requirements, and other essential requirements like set by Bittium´s customers
Security Management System (ISO/IEC 27001:2013)
Security Management Policy
Security Management Policy is a statement by the Bittium Corporation management, which defines information security targets, responsibilities and ways to implement it. It covers the following areas:
- Security management, organisation and responsibilities at Bittium
- Information security including data processing security and preparing for exceptional conditions from the point of view of information security
- Security of real estates and premises including personnel security
Security Policy
Customer relations built on trust – We are committed to keeping information related to customers and all interest groups confidential. These principles are implemented by the following actions:
- Protecting and properly storing all information files, samples, etc., received from their customers
- A confidentiality agreement is always signed by new employees. Confidentiality agreements are also made with partners, vendors and trainees.
- Entry and visits to company and access inside our premises shall be controlled.
- We shall comply with the laws and statutes on work safety and actively plan, promote and maintain the work safety of their personnel.
- We encourage our suppliers and partners to implement security policies.
Bittium has adopted a holistic approach to security risk management. It consists of identifying threats and prioritizing them through likelihood and impact based risk estimation, assessing the existing controls to face those threats, and selecting the appropriate responses.